In January 20, 2023 of TLS, ”Citizen of Nowhere”, comes a critique by Michael Hofman of a new biography by Brigitta Olubas of Shirley Hazzard, author of The Transit of Venus and other books. Hazzard married another writer, they lived all over the world. She died in 2016 at the age of eighty-three.
I read her most famous novel, “The Transit of Venus,” in 1981, upon the enthusiastic recommendation of one of my colleagues at the law book publisher.
So I got out my paperback of “Venus” and am presently rereading the novel. I read the part, early on, where Hazzard’s characters describe the astrophysical, actual transit of the planet Venus, but the phrase transforms into a metaphor for the two sisters’ lives.
The critic of the biography describes her a “perfect writer”, but the beginning is slow going for me, and I saw that I didn’t finish the book decades ago (I had a bookmark about a hundred pages toward the end).
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