The TV died. The TV lasted a good nine years. We’re looking for a new TV—DVD player. (Edit: We got it in three days! The new RCA is much better than the old one!)
In the meantime, we watched much of “Timeless”. The motto from the DVD case is “Protect the Past. Save the Future.” Intent on destroying America in the future, a mysterious criminal, Flynn, steals a time machine, travels back to significant historical events, intending to change the outcomes. Three heroes, Lucy (a history professor), Wyatt (a soldier), and Rufus (a scientist), chase him in a time machine of their own. They go to Lincoln’s assassination, to 1962 to JFK, to Nazi Germany to meet with Ian Fleming, to 1852 to the Texas Alamo, and so forth. When they return to their present, events (major and minor) are changed in their lives.
My comment: I know you’re not supposed to see all the series in a night, but we do. And I got tired of the time-travel set-up. I got tired of some of the actors. Most recommended for viewers who appreciate time travel and historical fantasy.
Next up, “Pennyworth”. From DVD case: At Your Service. In an alternate Britain, Alfred Pennyworth, a former British SAS soldier and James Bond-like character, forms a security company in 1960s London.  With Britain on the brink of a civil war, the first skirmishes of undeclared secret war appear with various secret societies.
My comment: Brutal. There are several scenes of torture—too many scenes for my liking (while I’m eating delicious take-out food). Tom enjoyed the series, wanted to see the rest of three-disc set. I said No. “The Brits really enjoy torture.” Tom (who is one-third Brit, one-third Irish, and one-third Cherokee Indian) said, “The Brits invented torture.” Maybe. Most recommended for viewers who like intrigue and violence and torture.
We saw “HUMɐNS”. From the DVD case: In the near future, humanoid servants called synthetics, or synths, have been created to help busy families simplify their lives. Joe Hawkins buys the synth, Anita, to relieve his attorney-wife Laura of her household chores. Although the synth is a hit for his three young children, Laura feels uneasy with sharing her home with the beautiful Anita. Complications ensue.
My comment: The notion is not original: think of “replicants” in the Bladerunner movies twenty years ago. Joe is too busy to do the laundry? Cook dinner for the kids? But the actors playing the synths are totally believable. Most recommended for viewers who like science fiction.
Finally, we saw “Death Comes to Pemberley”. Adopted from P.D. James’ clever who-done-it, this historical murder mystery is a delight. Scenes of handsome men on galloping gallant horses, superb carriages pulled by more gallant horses, and a murder mystery (not too bloody) that keeps you guessing till the end. I loved it. Well recommended for viewers who love historical movies.
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