Tom got at our wonderful local library four BBC TV series. The BBC does a great production, lively stories, and wonderful actors.
First up: The Blenchley Circle: San Francisco. The story starts in London, 1942 where a group of women code-breakers try to solve the Enigma Machine, a Nazi invention. When the code-breakers succeed, one of the women goes outside, disgusted that they broke the code for the Americans. While she’s walking in an alley, she is murdered.
Fast forward to San Francisco 1956, to which an older Brit has traveled, hearing of similar murders in the City. The film makes San Francisco look wonderful—cable cars climbing California Street and the Golden Gate Bridge.
There she joins with other code-breakers—a genius mechanic who rips apart the code machine and puts it together again much better—she admits to one character that she “likes girls”. The older Brit joins other code-breakers who were stationed in the Presidio military base during the war. A Japanese-American who resents that her family was imprisoned in a concentration camp during the war. And an Africa-American woman who has an older teen son who participates in Black protests in the City, which could put at him at risk, and a husband who’s in the military—he gets deployed Vietnam to be “an adviser”. The viewer doesn’t know what happens to him at the end of Season 2.
An old Brit has “a list” of men who could be the killer. The viewer does, too. The series is so well written that the viewer doesn’t know who could be the killer—not till the end (No plot spoilers here). Fantastic diverse cast, fascinating story of code-breakers. Well recommended for all viewers.
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