We rejoined Netflix DVD (for at least a month) and rented three movies: “Last Night in Soho”, “Where the Crawdads Sing”, and “Babylon”.
Last Night in Soho” This is from the back of the DVD: Eloise, an aspiring fashion designer, is mysteriously able enter the 1960s, where she meets dazzling singer and dancer, Sandie. But the glamor is not all what appears to be, and the dreams of past to crack and splinter into something far darker.
My comment: We saw the film twice. I didn’t completely understand the film the first time. Hallucinogenic, with her dead mother appearing behind her in the mirror at times. Sandie appearing in the mirror with Eloise multiple times, who appears be to her. Descends into horror with ghosts. I didn’t completely understand the film the second time but I got the gist. Good mid-1960s music. Only recommended for viewers who like weird horror films. This is a weird horror film.
Where the Crawdads Sing” This, too, is from the back of the DVD: Kya is an abandoned child who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of North Carolina. For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” have haunted Barkley Cove. isolating the sharp and resilient Kya from her community. Drawn to two young men from town, Kya opens herself to a new and startling world. But when one of the young men is found dead, she is immediately cast as the main suspect. As the case unfolds, the verdict becomes increasingly unclear, threatening to reveal the many secrets what lie in the marsh.
My comment: This is an unusual, strange story about (at least the actress) a left-handed artist (which I am). The film goes back and forth in time when Kya is young and today she was standing trial. “New and startling world”? The young men (separately) and her try sex—or partially try sex. I didn’t realize till the second screening the story took up much of the court trial. Personally, I don’t think her lawyer believed she was innocent, but he argued that anyway. More surprises—I don’t do spoiler alerts with this film. You have to see it. Only recommended for viewers who like strange, murder mystery films.
Babylon” And this is from the back of the DVD: As Hollywood makes the transition from silent films to talkies ambitious up-and-coming actress Nellie LeRoy and aging superstar Jack Conrad  struggle to adapt to the new medium in a rapidly changing world.
My comment: I loved this movie about movies—I love Sunset Boulevard, The Bad and the Beautiful, Players, and so on. I loved it less upon a second viewing. There are grotesqueries, funny parts, unfunny parts, scenes that should not have been added in, scenes that *should* have been added in (like the Garden of Allah where everybody lived, including The New Yorker writers). Did you notice that Jack dies three times? Only recommended for viewers who love movies about the movies’ history.
Happy Movie Weekend!
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